Club Adjuncts
For any members wishing to join a club adjunct the contact list as it currently stands is:
Women’s Section
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 1.30pm. Are still on the lookout for more members, come along and join the happy crew.
Contact Maureen 027 625 7552 or 5735190
Check out their Facebook page for events happening with the Motorsports Club.
Contact Paula 027 315 6642
Meets every Wednesday night for a 7pm start in the games room - all names in by 6.50pm so the draw can take place. $5 to play per week. 2 x $10 vouchers as prizes per week.
Annual membership $10 running from 1st Feb – 31st Jan (alongside the main club).
All new members very welcome. Looking forward to seeing YOU.
Contact Gayleen 027 605 6766
There is no set club night for playing – every afternoon there are friendly games being played. There are tournaments in the last half of the year for men and women.
Would love some more women players! All welcome to come on down and join in.
Contact Tony 021 186 9265 or Robyn 027 715 4011
Runs raffles on a Saturday afternoon to subsidize charters. Meetings are held 4 – 7 weeks apart – All welcome to attend. More information is on the fishing noticeboard (on the right-hand side wall going out to the smoker’s den).
Contact Mark or Karen 027 354 9298
8 Ball
Club night Thursdays from 7pm.
Contact Carol 027 272 4322 or Mick 027 443 6709
Attend national Clubs NZ competitions, annual mystery trip away, and casual games. Would love some new members.
Contact Doris 027 221 8377
Indoor Bowls
Play social bowls on a Monday all year-round names in by 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start - $3 mat fee with prizes for each winning team & spot prize. Wednesday Club Night (February – October) names in by 6.45pm for a 7pm start - $3 mat fee & spot prizes. Annual Membership fee $10 for either or both days play. All ages & all abilities are welcome to join us – come and give it a go :)
Contact Julie 027 278 9561 or 07 5336226
Other useful contacts
Monday night dance group: Ally 027 654 1569